What is decentralized and what is not?
Wallets - Decentralised
The private keys to wallets are generated by user devices and can never be seen by our servers.
Escrows - Decentralised
P2P transactions are secured using a self-custodial escrow contracts that are deployed by the seller and verified through Openpeer.
User messages - Decentralised
We currently integrate encrypted wallet-to-wallet chat offered by WalletChat. You can use WalletChat to directly reach out to our support team as well.
Payments - Decentralised
OpenPeer doesn't integrate into fiat payment networks. You choose what network you want to transact on with another trader and make a direct transfer. In the future we'll launch automated pools and verification where banking and transfer data can be verified through an API connection and oracles.
Identity - Decentralised
OpenPeer doesn't hold any of your personal data. In order for you to comply with KYC/AML regulations in your own country we have integrated with DID solutions including Quadrata and Anima in order for you to attest your identity without sharing it. We'll integrate proof-of-humanity and more local solutions over time to better serve markets where identity verification is harder.
Disputes - Centralised
We intend to decentralise the arbitration mechanism between traders in the case of dispute. As we get closer to full decentralisation more info will be shared with the community.
Reputation - Centralised
Ratings and reviews are currently centralised on the OpenPeer platform. We intend to decentralise this over time.
Offers / Orderbook - Centralised
We currently host a centralised orderbook. We'll be launching a multichain orderbook in 2023.
Notifcations - Centralised
We currently offer email notifications. We'll later support PGP, wallet and messaging notifications.
Last updated